There are many myths circulating about Outplacement – here are just a few. Senior Managers and Executives don’t need outplacement support. This is a view often held by executives themselves. Many have had long and successful careers, and come to outplacement with a high degree of scepticism. “What can you tell me that I already […]
Rewire or Rust
Most of us have to work longer to ensure we make the most of this one window of opportunity we have on this earth. This leads to changing the thinking pattern of the majority of employers in this country who have focused on a ‘flight to youth’ and fixed employment arrangements, at the same time […]
The Aging Population – Implications and Opportunities
According to various studies over recent years, it is clear that Australia’s population is aging. A number of factors have emerged that are coming together to create the “perfect storm” for organisations, namely our falling birthrate, improvements in health and wellbeing leading to increased longevity, and an emerging trend to delayed and/or “transitionary” retirement. The […]
Demographic trends
The population is ageing, and although workers may be delaying retirement and re-entering the workforce, the volume of people from younger generations coming into the labour market is not making up for the rate of attrition of older workers. The demand for employees with critical skills remains high, meaning that competition for key talent has […]
Employment trends
Changes occurring in the economic and employment landscapes have meant that many organisations have been faced with a number of labour force challenges. However, Australia has dealt with these relatively well. Last year employer confidence increased rapidly and national employment figures are steadily improving, with an unemployment rate of 5% it is among the lowest […]
It’s not who you know, but who knows what you know
Self promotion doesn’t come easily for most people, and in fact you can easily be labeled as being too pushy or arrogant in some instances. You don’t need to be pushy or arrogant to move your career forward, far from it. Many people are reluctant to stand out from the crowd or try to be […]
Don’t allow your intellectual property to walk out the door
How often have we heard “What a pity Jane left (or retired) as she knew all about this area.” Did anyone try to create a process to pass Jane’s Intellectual Property (IP) on within the organisation, or did anyone think to ask Jane if she would like to continue on a part time basis (assuming she had […]
No employer can guarantee their employees a job in one year’s time
In March 2009, the Australian dollar/US dollar exchange rate was 68 cents. The four major banks forecast the currency in March 2010. Two said approximately 60 cents; two said approximately 76 cents. The Australian dollar recently hit parity with the US dollar, which is totally unrelated to the forecasts by any analysts. Who predicted the […]